Get Started

View our Getting Started page for an overview of the grant application process at Appalachian and the resources available to help you find funding, write a proposal, and prepare a budget. We also offer workshops and consultations to help you at any stage of the process.

Grants Resources & Services:

  • Helps faculty locate funding opportunities to support their research, outreach, and creative endeavors;
  • Provides consultations to help faculty develop their ideas into proposals;
  • Offers professional development events, print and online resources, and editorial assistance to help faculty prepare strong proposals;
  • Manages the review process for limited submission funding opportunities.

Sponsored Programs:

  • Provides the authorized institutional signature for submissions to and awards from external sponsors, including contracts, collaborative agreements, etc;
  • Negotiates terms and conditions of all externally funded project, service, or research agreements;
  • Reviews, negotiates changes, and provides authorized signatures for Material Transfer Agreements (MTA), Data Use Agreements (DMA/RDMA), and Confidentiality Agreements (CDA);
  • Serves as the official repository of grant submission and award documents;
  • Prepares, negotiates, and signs subawards to collaborating agencies/organizations;
  • Monitors programmatic project reporting and award management;
  • Offers programs, templates, and online resources to assist both faculty and administrators with the development, internal review, submission, and award management for externally funded activities.

Research Protections:

  • Facilitates research and creative endeavors by administering programs which provide ethical and regulatory oversight of research involving:
    • Human Subjects (IRB);
    • Animal Subjects (IACUC);
    • Recombinant DNA (Biosafety);
    • Radioactive sources and radiation-producing machines (Radiation safety);
    • The Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR); and
    • International export of information and materials (Export Controls)
    • Strives to support to support innovation and commercialization of research by working with the University's Intellectual Property Development Council.

Special Funds Accounting:

  • Creates new Banner funds;
  • Assists with budget revisions;
  • Manages expenditure transfers;
  • Provides cash management;
  • Provides financial reporting to grant awarding agencies;
  • Provides support to grant project directors regarding program financial management, including requests for no-cost extensions.