Applications are now being accepted for the University Research Council (URC) Grants Program. The URC is committed to a broad and inclusive definition of research, including both pure and applied research as well as scholarly creative endeavors. Grant requests up to $5000 may be made by tenured, tenure-track, full-time instructors, or EHRA administrative professionals.
Complete proposals must be submitted online no later than 12 p.m. on March 12, 2019. Guidelines and eligibility information are embedded in the online application.
To provide information and tips for those preparing an application for submission, the Office of Research: Grants, Resources & Services is offering the University Research Council Grants Program workshop. The workshop will take place on Wednesday, February 6, 1:00-2:30p.m. in 218 Anne Belk Hall, Classroom 222. If interested in attending, please register here.
For questions about the URC Grants application process, contact