Cayuse Implementation January Update

Cayuse rollout update January 2022 : The Office of Research is continuing to work diligently with ITS to implement our new electronic research administration system, Cayuse. Implementation of the Human Ethics module, which will replace IRBIS to manage human subjects research protocols, is underway but experiencing some delays. We anticipate that the Human Ethics module will go live in February 2022.  As of March 31, 2022, IRBIS will no longer be available. Active, non-exempt IRB records need to be transferred from IRBIS to Cayuse before that date. We recommend that researchers prepare for the transfer from IRBIS to Cayuse by downloading study documents from IRBIS in preparation for upload into Cayuse. Please see our Cayuse implementation website for more information about preparing for the transfer from IRBIS to Cayuse.


Implementation of the Sponsored Programs, Animal Oversight, and Hazard Safety modules are also underway. Additionally, two other modules, Fund Manager and Effort Reporting, are being implemented by Special Funds Accounting to streamline award management processes. Please visit our Cayuse implementation website for additional information and updated roll out dates.

distributed on behalf of Dr. Ece Karatan, Vice Provost for Research

Published: Jan 24, 2022 8:43am
