Cayuse Implementation Update

Cayuse Update November 2021: The Office of Research is continuing to work diligently with ITS to implement our new electronic research administration system, Cayuse. At this point, the “Outside Interest” module used for our annual conflict of interest disclosures and research-based project-specific disclosures is fully functional. Expected roll out dates of the remaining modules have been pushed back by several weeks (please see our Cayuse implementation website for the new dates). 

Implementation of the Human Ethics module, which will replace IRBIS to manage human subjects research protocols, is underway. We have been conducting training sessions with a small group of users, including members of the IRB. These training sessions will be opened to the whole campus starting November 15, 2021 and take place once a week every Thursday at 10 AM by zoom. We will continue to host regular training sessions for researchers via standing zoom meetings after transitioning to Cayuse. IRBIS availability has been extended for three months till March 31st, 2022! This will allow the Office of Research staff and researchers additional time to transfer existing studies to Cayuse. The roll out that was planned for mid-October has been delayed; the new date will be communicated in the next month. The frequently asked questions have been updated with the new information and anticipated dates. Please visit our Cayuse implementation website for guidance documents on how to use Cayuse for IRB submissions, how to transfer data from IRBIS for existing studies, and training schedules. 

Published: Nov 12, 2021 2:22pm
