Dept. of Energy - Earth and Environmental Systems Sciences Open House on Atmospheric System Research - June 14 at 1 p.m.

To address barriers to participation with the U.S. Dept of Energy Earth and Environmental Systems Sciences Division (EESSD), a series of three “open house” seminars will be held, each respectively focused on EESSD thematic areas of Atmospheric System Research, Earth and Environmental System Modeling, and Environmental System Science. On the 14th of June at 1pm ET we will hold our first open house on Atmospheric System Research. Please register to join us on zoom to get insights into EESSD programs and activities. The target audience includes potential PIs, users, or those who wish to engage with EESSD about programs and activities in EESSD in order to develop familiarity and identify pathways to collaboration with existing activities and/or applications to funding opportunities.

To RSVP (required) please head to: Meeting Registration - Zoom (

On registering you will be sent an email with zoom details and links for calendar files. 

Published: Jun 8, 2023 4:38pm
