Funding opportunity webinar: Human Networks and Data Science program Nov. 30 1-2:30pm

The Human Networks and Data Science program (HNDS) supports research that enhances our understanding of human behavior by leveraging data and network science research across a broad range of topics. The program supports research that can identify ways in which dynamic, distributed, and heterogeneous data can provide novel answers to fundamental questions about individual and group behavior.

An informational webinar will be held on November 30 from 1 - 2:30 p.m. Eastern time.

Researchers, administrative staff and others in the social, behavioral and economic sciences community are encouraged to attend. Featured speakers include NSF Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences Division Director Marc Sebrechts and NSF program director Trisha Van Zandt.

Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions during a live Q&A session. 

For full program details see Human Networks and Data Science.

Meeting Type: Outreach


Trisha Van Zandt,

NSF SBE meeting support,

Related Programs:

Human Networks and Data Science

Published: Nov 18, 2021 12:23pm
