NSF Research.gov Update

Beginning September 24th the NSF Research.gov site will provide researchers with enhanced services and expanded capabilities for file uploads.

Research.gov can now generate PDF documents and run compliance checks on PDF files created with the following:

  • LaTeX

  • Microsoft Word

  • Google Docs

  • Open Office

The following fonts and font sizes are now supported at a font size of 10 points or larger as well:

  • Arial (not Arial Narrow)

  • Courier New, Palatino

  • Palatino Linotype

  • Helvetica

  • Times New Roman

  • Computer Modern family

Other fonts not specified above, such as Cambria Math, may be used for mathematical formulas, equations, or when inserting Greek letters or special characters.  Although some of these changes differ from instructions in the current PAPPG, projects following the on-screen guidance in Research.gov will not be prevented from submission.

Published: Sep 24, 2018 6:16pm
