NSF Updates

Please note the following important notices from the National Science Foundation:

  1. Due to scheduled maintenance, Research.gov will be unavailable on Saturday, July 15th from 12:00 AM ET - 8:00 AM ET.
  2. Copies of any desired Fastlane documents must be downloaded before 11 pm EST on September 29, 2023
  3. CAREER Proposers: Click here for CAREER proposal system-related FAQs. Research.gov proposal training resources (e.g., how-to guides) are available on the Research.gov About Proposal Preparation and Submission page.  Interested PIs may also want to check out the  2023 CAREER Proposal Submission Logistics webinar presentation and recording of CAREER proposal preparation demo.
  4. FastLane notification and request functionality has been decommissioned. 
  5. Grantees may experience upload issues in project reports when including the NSF fillable format for current and pending (other) support. To avoid this issue, grantees are encouraged to use SciENcv.
Published: Jul 16, 2023 9:03pm
