Reminder: Invitation to join OR for 4th chat about research in the current environment

We invite you to join us for a fourth informal conversation on the current state of research at Appalachian State University on Tuesday, August 4, 2020 from 3:30-4:30 pm  (log in details below).

We know that your teaching and home-life have changed dramatically over the last few weeks, and so have your research, scholarship, and creative endeavors.

Please consider joining us to talk about how your research is going, what you might need, how we can assist and support you now or in the future, and anything else that might be on your mind.

If you can't join us but would like to send us your thoughts or questions, please send them to, and we will include them in our discussion and respond to you after the 4th.


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Published: Aug 3, 2020 1:22pm
