RIEEE Webinar 12/1 at 1pm: Research to Action Multidisciplinary Projects - An approach to convergence pedagogy

Please join us for the final session of RIEEE’s Fall 2023 Webinar Series on Friday December 1, 2023 at 1pm via Zoom.  

As a society, we are facing many complex, large-scale problems such as climate change and food insecurity, and addressing them requires transdisciplinary research approaches. The Research-to-Action Multidisciplinary Projects model was co-created by the Research Institute for Environment, Energy, and Economics and the Honors College at Appalachian State University as a course-based mechanism for blending the expertise and approaches of multidisciplinary faculty and students in semester-long experiences focused on sustainability research. In this webinar, Dr. Bourne explores the application of pedagogies from the Science of Team Science and Integration and Implementation fields to an undergraduate research course. 

Presenter: Dr. Kim Bourne, Convergence Research Postdoctoral Scholar, RIEEE

RIEEE's webinar series highlights existing and emerging research strengths at Appalachian that align with our institute mission, and help us build and showcase sustainability research capacity. Join us monthly to learn more about the featured topics, meet the researchers and collaborations, and find inspirations that might spark your own next research endeavor.

Published: Nov 22, 2023 4:33pm
