You're Invited: NC ACRE Climate Change Series Webinar Tuesday, February 22nd

North Carolina Advancing Collaborative Research Excellence (NC ACRE - formerly NC ACE) launched late last year in an effort to provide a forum for the small to medium schools in the University of North Carolina system to get to know fellow research and researchers. The program strives to offer a webinar every month where researchers from various UNC schools present on a common topic. Afterwards, all attendees will be invited to access a Slack channel that is updated with funding opportunities on that topic.


If you are interested in attending the Zoom February forum focused on climate change and renewable energy on Tuesday, February 22nd from 12noon - 1:00pm, please register here:



Deb Wojcik, Executive Director, Research Triangle Cleantech Cluster

Tarek Abdel-Salam, Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, College of Engineering and Technology, ECU


Next Meeting: 22 March 2022 (12-1 p.m. ET) | Join NC ACE Slack channel.

Published: Feb 17, 2022 3:27pm
