The September 2018 issues of Deadlines and Research Development & Grantwriting News
are now available (AppState login required).
Deadlines, produced by the AASCU's Grants Resource Center, is a monthly compilation of
federal and private grant programs that have submission deadlines within the next 90 days.
Programs are grouped into four categories: Arts/Humanities/International;
Education/Economic and Community Development; Health; and
Science/Technology/Engineering/Math. Featured programs with upcoming Deadlines include:
- German Studies Research Grant - Oct. 15, 2018
- Jennings Randolph Program for International Peace - Nov. 30, 2018
- Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships - Dec. 6, 2018
- Cancer Research Grants Program - Dec. 31, 2018
- Sea Turtle Conservation Fund - Nov. 5, 2018
- Mathematical Sciences Infrastructure Program - Dec. 17, 2018
Research Development & Grantwriting News is a monthly newsletter produced by
Academic Research Funding Strategies. Featured topics in the current issue include:
- Topics of Interest URLs
- BLUF: Write as if your reviewers were Generals
- Preparing to Write Your Proposal
- Writing Your Proposal
- Editing, Revising, and Rewriting Your Proposal
- Understand the Review Process & How to Write to Your Reviewers
- Reviewing the Reviewers (Resubmitting Declined Proposals)
- Research Grant Writing Web Resources
- Educational Grant Writing Web Resources
- Agency Research News
- Agency Reports, Workshops & Roadmaps