The National Science Foundation has resumed operation following the 35 day shutdown of the Federal government. Important notice number 145 ( has been issued to establish the process that NSF will follow as the agency works through an extensive backlog of missed panels, proposal actions, and delays. Proposers, awardees, and a reviewers are encouraged to await communications from NSF.
Please note:
New funding opportunity notices, Dear Colleague letters, and program descriptions that were delayed will resume in the coming days.
The implementation date for the new revised Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG), NSF 19-1, will be delayed. NSF will post a new implementation date on the NSF Website; in the interim, NSF 18-1 stands.
Existing due dates for several programs have been extended (19-500, 19-543, 19-018, 19-030, 19-518, 19-524, 19-530, 19-523, 19-511, 19-531, 19-532), with new dates expected to post by February 1, 2019. Although other programs may extend deadlines, to date these are the only dates identified for extension.
Program Officers will update panelists about panels that were cancelled. Please wait to hear.
The standard six month response time for proposal submissions will be delayed, but will move as quickly as is practicable.
Priority will be give to processing Continuing Grant Increments.
The Awardee Cash Management System (ACMS) reopened on January 28, 2019 enabling Appalachian once again to draw down reimbursement funds.
Reports submitted during the closure will be reviewed as quickly as possible with Continuing Grant Increments taking priority.
No Cost Extensions and other requests will be processed as quickly as possible.