Invitation: Join OR for the Virtual 2020 RECAPP!

We are excited to invite you to the 2020 Virtual Research and Creative Activities at Appalachian (RECAPP) Event. This virtual event will take place during the week of September 14-18, 2020 through Zoom and web interfaces. RECAPP celebrates all research, scholarship, and creative endeavors - funded and unfunded - of Appalachian Faculty and Staff. 

The event consists of virtual sessions - where faculty and staff will present digital posters, oral presentations, art, and/or performances - held synchronously and asynchronously throughout the week, culminating in a live zoom-cast awards ceremony for the Chancellor's and Provost's Awards for Excellence in Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity. 

If you’re interested in learning more, please visit the RECAPP event website. You can read through the selected oral presentation abstracts, peruse digital poster titles available and mark your calendars for the talks you are interested in attending. Digital posters and Zoom login information will be available the week of September 14th. 

You can also view the full schedule of events and learn more about this year's Chancellor's and Provost's Awardees for Excellence in Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity.

If you have any questions, please contact We look forward to seeing you at our virtual event in September!

Published: Sep 2, 2020 1:22pm
